WONDERFUL BEAUTY in short, this is a story of my intimate need of being a living person who loves the women's feet sure, there happened many things which kept me from this dream but with the time I grew up, I got this self-esteem so I walked on by the underground, a smile was on my lips and I turned my head from left to right and saw fantastic tits at first sight I combined, while looking at your shoes, that you could be the girl that I will never lose we're standing face to face, red colour's around your nose I took heart to get involved with giving you a rose you took this small attention and packed it in your bag and grabbed my arm decided, then kissed me on my neck we didn't need now any words, we're knowing what we want(ed) we're running down this little street until shyness was gone we threw ourselves in the grass and put us round and round then stopped for one this moment, smiled, lust was abound then happened what I never thought, but this was just the best you took off your brown sandals and stripped up all the rest a sweet waft's crawling in my nose, your feet gleamed soaky wet you didn't put them off, your shoes, for hours - I bet you're whispering "come and clean my soles, I want it thoroughly and after that continue right up upon my knee!" she didn't have to tell me her wishes once again I said "my little darling, for you I will do what I can." YOU'RE A WONDERFUL BEAUTY YOUR EYES ARE GLOWING LIKE SHINY STARS YOU'RE A WONDERFUL BEAUTY WITH YOU I WOULD WIN FAMILIAR WARS SO, COME ON WONDERFUL BEAUTY WE'RE WANDERING AROUND, HAND IN HAND TO BE A WONDERFUL BEAUTY THAT ME AND YOU WOULD REPRESENT